Sunday, June 26, 2011

Life IS Wonderful!

So life with 4 kids is a real treat. I seem to have gotten the hang of it. We have moved into a much needed bigger house. We are just a few streets from where we were. Same school and same ward...just a bigger house.  I can't believe my baby is almost 1. She walks and talks and is such a big girl. I am trying to convince Rich we need a fifth. So I need a moment... to well.. a Hoora moment. Rich and I are celebrating 10 years this week. Someone pinch me. I can't believe it. Some can scarcely imagine the adventures Rich and I have had to face. I can honestly say I am grateful for them. I absolutely adore this man and think because of our great trials I appreciate him a little more fully and I think the same is true for him. I love knowing that there is no one on this earth that could love me more perfectly than Rich. I like to call them "Sunshine moments" You know those moments when you see your children helping one another or an older child reading to a little one. Oh How I Love Sun shine moments. Well lately I have really been looking for the Sunshine moments with Rich. The moments where I take a picture in my mind of how cute it is that he is letting Reis paint his nails or put pretties in his hair. Or the moments you think I never want to forget this... when we are all playing and laughing and enjoying life together and  We are all so happy. I embrace each day that God gives me with this man. This life is but a moment. I am trying to fill my moment with as much Sunshine as I can. I thank my Heavenly Father for the reminders that this life is short and can be altered in a blink of an eye. I love Richard and I pray often for many MANY more years on this earth...with my best friend! Love Ya Rich!

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