Saturday, April 3, 2010


I know I have posted in forever. We have moved into the East Mesa Area and are loving it. It is nice to be home and surrounded by family. I came home just in time to help Sarah prepare to move to Kansas...I am so sad about that, but happy for her. We are finally all unpacked and feel more like we are living in a home, not just a house. The kids are liking TaeKwonDo and Weston is loving Dance. We have a nice piano (Thanks Rich) and I have enjoyed doing music and listening to my children plunk out their own masterpieces! Still doing home preschool and Brody is going to the school 3 days a week for speech. (Which has helped him grow up...almost too much.) We are expecting baby number 4! I am almost six months now, so this one is flying by. Her name will be Aliya ? We are still deciding on a middle name. Rich starts back at schools Monday and I am a little nervous since work keeps him so much busier down here. Can't complain about the $ down here though. I enjoy reading all your blogs and for those of you who made it to the was nice seeing you and your little ones. Hope to see a lot of you at Girls Night!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Congrats on baby #4. Since you are down here we really should try getting together sometime. I am sure our kids would have fun playing together.