Sunday, April 12, 2009

Life Flies....

Everything is good on the home front!!! My kids are full of life. The boys spend most of their time dressing up life super heroes, ninjas, or anything else that allows them to run through my house screaming ;o) Rich is good. Work is picking up and that is always a good thing. He loves having 2 little boys and they love wrestling Dad!
Brynlie thinks pancakes are a food group all on their own!!! She is a great baby!
Sarah took all my blond out and I am loving it thanks Sarah!!! I am loving it up in the mountains. I miss my family, but over all this place really feels like home!


Andrea and Blake said...

your hair looks great, the kiddos are getting so big! glad you are enjoying it up north - it is very pretty there! we moved here because of my dad's business, no other reason! hope to see ya soon
love ya

Carl and Amber said...

I really like the hair! I can't believe Brynlie is growing so fast! She sure is doing things quickly. Glad to see that you are alive :).