Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Weston was a SWAT officer and Brody was a dinasour (Thanks Jenny)
Brynlie was our lil Diva or as the boys would say
"The Baby Cheetah Girl!!!"
Chaley was Weston's Prisoner.
"Kiki" is still Weston favorite person. He absolutely adores her.
My mom's school had a Carnival and we had so much fun....
eating pizza...
eating oranges...
awww no more oranges!
and just hanging out together!!!
Poor Chaley had to share a soda with the boys.
("HHHMMM how thirsty am I")
Little Miss wanting out to join the fun.
We love that she'll reach for us now. I love this stage!!!


Becky said...

I love halloween. It is so much fun to see the kids get dressed up! Your kids look great in their costumes Ü

BTW-here is my email in case you go private

Kim said...

They all look so cute. Macey is starting to smile and coo. I just love babies, and kids except when they talk back and get into everything.

Ellsworth Family said...

Cute costumes! It looks like they had a great time!