Okay, so I am am a big Reece
Witherspoon fan and when I saw this picture of
Brynlie it reminded me of the movie "Legally Blond" when they are in the beauty shop and they are doing the "bend and snap" scene. It just made me laugh!!!! If you haven't scene the movie it is a way cute movie.
That is so funny! That does look like the nail lady when shes learning to do the bend and snap!!! Brynlie is sooo cute!!!!
Hey Janalee, what a beautiful family you have. I cant believe your sister had a baby too that is just an awesome story that you guys will get to tell later in life. How is your mom doing? We need to get together and catch up sometime.
Love it! She is beautiful! And your kids do all look so much alike. Wow!! So fun.
Oh my gosh, that is totally the bend and snap! Your little girl is so gorgeous! How fun. I can't believe you cut Weston's hair, he is just the cutest boy, but I guess it can always grow back! Cute blog, cute family!
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